Speak louder than wordsTM

We provide you unlimited access to an exclusive collection of licensed movie clips.

ClipShout is meant to be used by educators, business leaders, or anyone who wishes to utilize the power of movies to inspire their audience.

How Does ClipShout Work?

ClipShout subscribers can search for movie clips by teaching topics, movie title, actor, etc. Once you find the right clip, you can get a streaming code to embed into into your presentation software or save the clip to your ClipShout Queue for later viewing.

Film Clips for Character Education

ClipShout has partnered with Film Clips For Character Education to provide character guides that pair with our inspirational clips. Each guide focuses on one central theme (Honesty, Cooperation, Understanding Bullies, etc.) and contains four movie clips, written lesson, thought-provoking questions, and group activities, all designed to engage students in critical thinking and ethical actions.